we went to dufan yesterday, and yeah we DO a lot of FUN there ;p
the day was just grrrreat!
arrived at dufan at 9.30 and dufan not opened yet
kita ke pantai, main air, foto-foto, naik kapal rencananya mau liat jelly fish tapi ngga ada :S
then we are having lunch at AW, doin some crazy stuffs with zoe, ckck
kita nunggu sampe jam 1, terus ke dufan, ternyata ngga se sepi yang kita kira, tapi boleh lahh
kita main ontang anting *loves, then we play roller coaster and we scream like crazy! ;p
we play niagara gara, ah i love that!
we play arung jeram! seru banget and again we play arung j
eram and again arung jeram. tadinya mau lagi tapi ngantri nya udah panjang, then we play niagara twice ;p then we change our wet clothes, and we play korakora and bianglala
then go home! so tired yet so damn fun
love that day soo much, i wont forget ;p
hhh, holiday is coming. im gonna miss my friends so much :'(
Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings
will last forever.

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