yesterday i was came back from puncak
there we were having so much fun
it start when
we arrive at
KEBUN RAYA BOGOR we're doin' a lot of project
geography, mandarin, and blablabla
tpi akhirnya kita cuma jalan2 dann taking pictures,.
nyesel banget deh ga bawa my
lovely SLR :(when we having our lunch time,, kita di kasih makanan
GA ENAK and finally we having our lunch time di warung and ate indomie
much much much much much better :
9 :9after we having our lunch timee,,
we're going to the hotel yng ternyata di sebelah cimory :)
hotel nyaa
MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better than last year
ada kolam renang nya jugaa,, :)
smpe sana liat kamar, taro tas, daan,,
most of the student sih nyebur semuaa,,
terus kita di suruh balik..
mandi terus we're having a " mass "
we were wore RJ's clothes
we having dinner after the mass and BONFIRE
nahh,, bonfire nya sih enaaak,, talent show nya yang ga enak..
we were sing
sasa, vio,
juwon sing
LOUDLY tapi gozali,
kacil, and the others
cuma nanyi yng pas santa clause is coming to town
gituu -__-
nah after bonfire kita go back to our room,, tpi kita main
UNO dlu di living room nyaaa
dann,, untung gue menang
angel kalaaahh! di bedakin dehh (y) ahhaa
terus kita di suruh tidur :(
tapi we're keep playin'
angel, eve and cathe went to our room akhirnyaa
and decided buat tidur di situ
abisnya ada
kecoa di kamar angel,, :P
besoknyaa.. kita banguuun.. jam 6
and we're late sebenernyaa.. tpi tetep mandii :)
terus we having breakfast.. and
go hikingseru banget deh walaupun capee,,
after hiking,, kita langsung ke cimory
i bought
a bottle of milk and langsung abiss.. and sialnya
we didn't have enough time to taking pictures,, padahal bagus :(
terus kita balikk,, andd nyebur lageeehh,,
nah kalo ini..
95% of stella maris student nyebur semuaaa :)
we're having so much fun deh pokoknyaaa..
nahh uda di suruh balikk tuhh, nahh me sasa and minji go backk,,
and i forgot to bring my key, so i went back,, to takee that fucking key, yng buat gue di ceburin lagi
sama santos -_- gue uda bawa anduk tau nggaaa ?
grr,, basah semuaa
TT__TTluckily hotel provide
EXTRA TOWEL! fiuuuhh,,
abis itu kita having lunch,, and go homee :)
in the bus,, kita having fun jugaaa.. ngobrol
ngabisin snack,, listening music.. blablaa
:) [: :P =) xP xD